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To evaluate the effectiveness of different elements of the project in enhancing students’ online learning experience

Interim and

Final Evaluation Reports

The effectiveness of the project deliverables was analyzed and suggestions for improvement were summarized based on the usage data of the software, workshops’ evaluations, users’ surveys, experiments and focus group studies

Conference Presentation and Journal Article Publications

Three conference presentations were conducted, and 2 journal papers were published to disseminate the outputs and research findings of the project.

A conference presentation titled “A gamified flipped classroom approach with animation to teach abstract concepts in personality psychology” was presented in the International Convention of Psychological Science in Brussels, Belgium on 9 March 2023.

A conference paper titled “Virtual horizons: Transforming liberal arts education through extended reality – A Hong Kong example and a call for international collaboration” was presented in the International Cooperation toward Excellence in Training and Research Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam on 7 December 2023.

The “Presentation of the Research Report of the QESS Project ‘Development of Online Teaching, Learning and Assessment Solution’” was delivered in the Good Practices on Teaching and Learning Symposium in Hong Kong on 12 December 2023.

A journal paper titled “Preserving and Exhibiting Intangible Cultural Heritage via Virtual Museum: A case study of the Hungry Ghost Festival in Hong Kong” was published in The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLVIII-M-2-2023, 405–411.

A journal paper titled “Unequal Inscriptions of the Hungry Ghosts (Yulan) Festival Celebrations as Intangible Cultural Heritage in Hong Kong” was published in China Perspectives, 132 | 2023, 49-59.

Research Team Meeting

1st Research Team Meeting on 20 March 2023 (Monday) 10a.m. - 11 a.m.


Set the objectives for the research projects

Discuss the methodology and implementation schedule of the research

Discuss the potential deliverables

Research programs

July - Dec 2022: Evaluation of Students’ Satisfaction with the Newly Developed Teaching Materials

A quantitative survey was conducted to evaluate students’ satisfaction with the use of VR museum materials in a cultural heritage course at Hong Kong Shue Yan University. Eighty-seven students from the Digital Culture, Heritage and Education course, at Hong Kong Shue Yan University participated in the survey.

The evaluative comments received from students were positive. Based on the feedback of the students, many of them have never been to a Hungry Ghost Festival before, and this VR museum increases their curiosity and knowledge about the festival.

Results on the VR Museum Student Survey: (In the link below @ Q3 & 4 chart)

Jan - Jun 2023: Understand teachers' and students' experience of blended teaching and learning, potential challenges, and suggestions for improvement

Two focus group interviews were carried out. Four teachers who have contributed to course contents development in the project and four students who have utilized the course AR/VR/multimedia materials were interviewed.

It is suggested by the student interview that AR/VR/multimedia course materials in general would postively enhance teaching and learning experience in blended classes. The different visual and audio elements in animation videos and AR/VR experience diverisified the whole learning experience, comparing to the usual teaching of teachers making unidirectional speech, helped to better maintain attention span of students, as well as offered diversity in the perception and learning of the class contents, thus, catering for the different learning needs of students. Moreover, gamified elements in these materials allowed more interactions in the learning process, which also helped to maintain students' attention. Furthermore, positive competition and sense of archivement, fulfilment of curiosity in games were also factors that motivate learning.


2st Research Team Meeting on 11 January 2024 (Thursday) 11:30a.m. - 12:15 a.m.


Consolidated the findings of the evaluative research of the project for the preparation of the interim and final report

Report the progress of the conference presentation and journal article publication

Completion of the Interim Report

The interim evaluation of the project was conducted based on data from existing records, including attendance, usage, and online comments, teachers and students survey, and teachers and students focus group. The efficiency and effectiveness of the project outputs and suggestions for improvement were summarized in the Interim Report.

Conference Presentation and Journal Papers

Three conference presentation were completed, and two journal papers were submitted to disseminate the outputs and findings of the project.

A conference paper titled “A gamified flipped classroom approach with animation to teach abstract concepts in personality psychology” was accepted in 2023 International Convention of Psychological Science.

A conference paper titled “Virtual Horizons: Transforming Liberal Arts Education through Extended Reality - A Hong Kong Example and a Call for International Collaboration” was submitted and presented in 2023 International Cooperation toward Excellence in Training and Research Conference organized by Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning (ASAIHL).

The third conference presentation completed was the presentation of the summary of the project’s interim research report, a preliminary evaluation of the project’ outputs, in the Good Practices on Teaching and Learning Symposium on the 12 December 2023.

A journal paper titled “Preserving and Exhibiting Intangible Cultural Heritage via Virtual Museum: A case study of the Hungry Ghost Festival in Hong Kong” was published in The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLVIII-M-2-2023, 405–411.

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